DEFINITELY NO PIG BRAIN in this one! We had lots of veggies, and fish balls, and meat. Let me just say this now, I will NEVER again take my mom for granted when she goes shopping for these ingredients!

My friend Dyana (and her brother Ben) and I
made a turkey, from scratch ya'll! It got it's butt stuffed full of stuffing, and apples, and celery, and onions. It was juicy!

And after dinner, we made these

CTOWN's friend Dan approves as you can see

As a side note, Dan is currently working on AMERICAN GLADIATORS

and is in the process of getting me an audition to be a GLADIATOR cause my body is SWOLL son! My codename will be THE RICE MAN, and everytime I beat a guy down in the joust, I'll say, "No more Mr. Rice guy."
AND, as if that wasn't enough, this being Hollywood and all, a celebrity dropped by to say hello
AND TO TOP THAT OFF, he brought over another celeb friend, too!
Wow. What a night! I give thanks to everyone who reads this blog. Who I DO NOT give thanks to is the members of this house who have seemed to forgot that we even have a blog. I hate them. No i don't. Yes, I do. Merry Christmas!