1) The term "cholo." It refers to Mexican males/gangsters who "dress in chinos, a wifebeater, sleeveless teeshirt or a flannel shirt with only the top buttoned, a hairnet, or with a bandana around the forehead, usually halfway down over the eyes. Cholos often have black ink tattoos, commonly involving Catholic imagery, or calligraphy messages or family names." According to my boss, they also wear tube socks up to their knees and ride around on low rider bikes or drive low rider cars.
There's even a music video about how to Lean Like A Cholo:
2) How to drive stick. Joe let me borrow his car after my work car got returned. Simon gave me a 20 minute crash course in the Target parking lot at 1:30am. There were definite growing pains: stalling on the 101 in stop-and-go traffic, stalling while trying to make a left while on a hill and having to wait 5 light cycles before finally getting it, trying to creep up to red lights hoping they'll change to green before I get there so I don't have to stop and change gears, rolling through stop signs, developing a fear of people stopping too close behind me because I may roll back into them, developing a fear of hills and getting anxious about the drive home after work, wondering if I'll stall in the middle of high speed traffic on the highway and therefore die. However, after a couple emails consulting Joe (how should I turn off the car? should I downshift while approaching a stop light?) and getting used to his car - I've finally gotten the hang of it.
3) I love Pinkberry. Hooked after the 2nd time. I drove 40 mins out of the way to get one once.

4) Shopping blows. Or I have not found good spots yet. So far I've been to malls (blah - your typical Bloomies, Macy's, Banana Republic, J.Crew fare - although Justina took me to Mango, where I ended up buying a couple tops) or you have Melrose - which is split into the high fashion end (Fred Segal, D&G, Miss Sixty - meh) and the Vintage/thrift/Wet Seal-type stores end (need to sift to find good items). However, they go all out for their storefonts.

5) Climate out here is DRY. I feel dehydrated a lot, and my skin is freaking out. I have had a zit on my forehead for 6 weeks! After 2 more broke out right next to the OG one, I finally broke down and got a facial. They proceeded to stab them all, making them all the more visible because there is now 1 huge black dot and 2 bright red dots, making an Orion's Belt of zittery on my face. Lord.
As far as the rest of the house - Simon tried the Master Cleanse - which is a diet consisting of drinking 1 quart of salt water every morning, followed by a lemonade concoction every time you get hungry. No solid food allowed. You are supposed to do this for 10 days, losing 2 lbs a day and cleansing out your colon.
I was supposed to join him on day 2, but after diluting myself into thinking that I could do it for a couple hours, I realized I did not want to nor did I think I had the willpower to do it.
Justina is still in HK. She's bringing back a Wii for the house as well as acquiring games in the way that Asians do best - wink nudge.
Joe is back from making a cheerleader into a master debater, but just for the holiday break.
Tim had a friend over for the holidays. He went to the Rose Bowl game, but our team - Illini - lost.
I leave with footage of the writers' strike outside NBC: (music is from the radio)
i could actually feel the bile climbing up my esophagus as i watched simon drink that salt shit. i'm glad he gave it up. already on day two i could see the christian bale-in-the-machinist concentration camp prisoner look.
oh my god cynthia, you have a zit RIGHT HERE.
And here. And Here!
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