Saturday, I ran errands. Last week, I bought the following for a total of $5 on Magnolia Ave.
That night, Joe and I randomly decide to go to San Diego. Justina was already there for a film festival. Simon was working on Saturday night. Joe's cousin lives down there and it's only 1 1/2 hours away, so why not! We get there and ditch the fratty bar scene for the beach.
After the beach, we went to a burrito place. The burritos are amazing out here. They also have these drinks.
The flavors are: Jamaica, Horchata and Tamarindo. I tasted each one. Not an immediate fan, but they seem popular with the locals.
The guy that helped us was awesome.
Yes, that is a gold AK-47 medallion.
I have been living like a freshman in college. Going out and then eating Jack in the Box at 3am. Freshman 15! ha. sigh.
I am still in my palm tree awe phase. The mountains and palm trees as a constant backdrop still amazes me.
It's been my bday for 1 hour. My roommates surprised me with cake and a balloon after midnight! We were watching tv and everyone left to go to Ralph's. I had no idea! I heart my 6206 roomies.